
January 21, 2016

Howard Ross with Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives

Howard J. Ross is founder and chief learning officer of Cook Ross Inc., a diversity consulting company. He is one of the nation’s leading diversity consultants and a nationally recognized expert on diversity, leadership, and organizational change. He is past chairman of Leadership Washington and a former director of the Greater Washington Board of Trade. About Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives From this fundamental truth, diversity expert Howard Ross explores the biases we each […]
January 14, 2016

Jennifer Deal with What Millennials Want from Work: How to Maximize Engagement in Today’s Workforce

Jennifer Deal is a senior research scientist at the Center for Creative Leadership and an affiliated research scientist at the Center for Effective Organizations at the University of Southern California. About What Millennials Want from Work: How to Maximize Engagement in Today’s Workforce Millennials have been burdened with a reputation as spoiled, lazy, and entitled, but the reality behind the stereotype is far richer and more complex. Who are Millennials and what do they really want? Based on fieldwork and […]
January 13, 2016

Adam Stelzner with The Right Kind of Crazy

Adam Stelzner is an engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He worked on several flight missions, including Galileo, Cassini, and Mars Pathfinder, and the Mars Exploration Rover project. He was the phase lead and development manager for the Mars Science Laboratory and the Curiosity rover’s Entry, Descent, and Landing phase; he also helped design, build, and test the Sky Crane landing system. He lives in Pasadena, California. About The Right Kind of Crazy The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is home to some of history’s most jaw-dropping feats of engineering. […]
January 12, 2016

Alec Ross with The Industries of the Future

Alec Ross is one of America’s leading experts on innovation. He served for four years as Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a role that earned him a Distinguished Honor Award from the State Department. He is currently a Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Johns Hopkins University and serves as an advisor to investors, corporations, and government leaders. Ross lives in Baltimore with his wife and their three young children. About The Industries of the Future […]
December 8, 2015

Malcolm Gay with The Brain Electric: The Dramatic High-Tech Race to Merge Minds and Machines

Malcolm Gay is an arts reporter for The Boston Globe, where he covers visual and performing arts. He previously worked as a contributing writer at The New York Times and the critic-at-large for Riverfront Times, where he reviewed visual and performing arts. His writing has also appeared in Wired, The Atlantic, and TIME, among other publications. In 2004, the Society of Professional Journalists, Northern California Chapter, named Gay that year’s “Outstanding Emerging Journalist,” and in 2005 he received the James Beard Award for Nutrition or Food-Related Consumer […]
November 17, 2015

Remembering Gil Miller

Hooks Book Events is a family business in every sense of that phrase.  We view our colleagues as family as well as our clients.  This week we are mourning the loss of a beloved family member, Gil Miller who was the CTO at Noblis, an organization we unabashedly called our “favorite!”  Noblis was our first account. Gil and his colleague Amr El Sawy met with us in the fall of 2007, and immediately understood what we were trying to do with our […]
October 12, 2015

David Gregory with How’s Your Faith?: An Unlikely Spiritual Journey

David Gregory is the former moderator of NBC’s Meet the Press. He previously served as Chief White House Correspondent for NBC News, where he was hailed by Washingtonian magazine as a “firebrand in the front row.”How’s Your Faith? is his first book. About How’s Your Faith?: An Unlikely Spiritual Journey Join former NBC newsman and Meet the Press moderator David Gregory as he probes various religious traditions to better understand his own faith and answer life’s most important questions: who do we want to be and […]