
December 7, 2018

December 2018 News: Breaking Records… Books for DC Public Schools… Can American Capitalism Survive… What’s Ahead for 2019

The end of a calendar year is always a good time for reflection. We especially love to stop and consider the topics on our collective minds: what our clients want to hear about, what authors are writing about, and the magic that happens when those two come together to spark thinking and conversation. A Record Number of Events in 2018 – and Some Interesting Trends Hooks Book Events put together a record 100 events in 2018 — up from 86 […]
December 4, 2018

Books Build Bridges between DC Students and Authors

Hooks Books Events Owner Perry Pidgeon Hooks had a vision—what if we could bring award-winning authors into disenfranchised communities so all students could be engaged and inspired to become writers and passionate readers? With a heartfelt belief that books can help inspire, inform, and engage, Perry and the HBE team set out to build bridges between DC students and nationally acclaimed authors, hoping to narrow the cultural gap and create power and energy to transform communities. Hooks Book Events originally […]
October 8, 2017

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus

HBE is honored to be working with microcredit creator Muhammad Yunus, who earned a Nobel Peace Prize for his work in alleviating poverty, and his new book A World of Three Zeros: The New Economics of Zero Poverty, Zero Unemployment, and Zero Net Carbon Emissions. The October 18 event, hosted by The Greater Washington Board of Trade, will be our last event with our friend and partner BOT President and CEO Jim Dinegar, who is transitioning on October 31 after […]
April 26, 2017

Birds, Bees and Bridge Building

Happy spring from Hooks Book Events! Spring has sprung, bees are buzzing, birds are singing and HBE is working to build bridges in our community through our wonderful new series of Bridge Builder Events. March found us with the team from area nonprofit A WIDER CIRCLE hosting data scientist Cathy O’Neil discussing her new book, Weapons of Math Destruction. AWC supporters joined local business leaders to learn about the dark side of Big Data — the mysterious algorithms at the core of many […]