
May 3, 2009

May 3, 2009 -Congratulations to HBE Friend, Robin Chase

Kudos to HBE friend, Robin Chase who was recently listed with 99 other amazing folks in the TIME 100 list! Robin and our own Loretta were at Wellesley together and you may remember that Robin founded ZipCar! She has been seen recently dashing around DC (on the metro of course) talking to folks about her innovative ideas to solve some of our energy and transportation issues. We hope to get her as a guest speaker.. so keep watching the site […]
April 30, 2009

April 30th – Bill Gates Sr.,

Prominent lawyer, civil activist, and philanthropist William Gates Sr. spoke this afternoon at a Greater Washington Board of Trade event. The co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation talked about his new book, “Showing Up for Life: Thoughts on the gifts of a lifetime.” Co-written by Mary Ann Mackin, who provides speechwriting services to CEOs of foundations and corporations, the 185-page book is a heartfelt, deeply personal and shines a bright light on the values and principles that Gates […]
April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009 – Washington Business Journal mention

In an article in today’s Washington Business Journal entitled, “Some Pre-Mother’s Day Wisdom,” reporter Jennifer Nycz-Conner wrote, “If you ever have a chance to hear Cokie Roberts speak, take it.” We couldn’t agree more! That’s why we are booked her at the Greater Washington Board of Trade (she’s pictured here with Board of Trade president Jim Dinegar) and are getting her into as many venues as possible. We’re so glad Jennifer liked her presentation, and wrote such a fab piece […]
April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009 – What’s new this week

Hooks Book Events has another great week ahead with some very interesting events lined up. Bill Gates Sr. will be in town this week for two private events with us! He will be discussing his new book, Showing Up For Life-Thoughts on The Gifts of a Lifetime. We are thrilled that our pal, Bill Brands is flying up for Texas for a special event at the Woodrow Wilson House in DC where we will have a house tour and a […]
April 18, 2009

April 18, 2009 – Perry Hooks on panel of Women Interested in Networking (WIN)

Pictured left to right: Perry Pidgeon Hooks, Hooks Book Events with Robyn Small, director of WIN, and new member Reena Kazmann, director of Photo by Anna Gibbs. What’s the key to being a great entrepreneur? At today’s networking event for Women Interested in Networking (WIN) at the Cheesecake Factory in Bethesda, Hooks Book Events co-owner Perry Pidgeon Hooks shared her secrets to success with the room filled with women business owners. “You have to believe in your business concept, […]
April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009 – Ms. Clinton on Mrs. Lincoln

We recently hosted the lovely Catherine Clinton with her new biography on Mary Lincoln, aptly titled “Mrs. Lincoln: A Life” (Harper, 2009). Catherine attempts to give us a fresh perspective on Mrs. Lincoln who has many of you know was known for being “unconventional–temperamental, and articulate”- hey we can identify with that!