About the Book — America today confronts a host of urgent problems, many of them seemingly intractable, but some we are entirely capable of solving. In Five Easy Theses, James M. Stone presents specific, common-sense solutions to a handful of our most pressing challenges, showing how simple it would be to shore up Social Security, rein in an out-of-control financial sector, reduce inequality, and make healthcare and education better and more affordable. The means are right in front of us, Stone explains, in various policy options that — if implemented — could preserve or enhance government revenue while also channeling the national economy toward the greater good.
About the Author — James M. Stone is the founder and chief executive of the Plymouth Rock group of insurance companies, former chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, former Commonwealth of Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner, and an active philanthropist. He has served on the boards of directors of the Boston Globe, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (a leading genetics institute), Management Sciences for Health (an international humanitarian non-profit), and Global Post (a worldwide news service). He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University and has spoken or published frequently in the field of the finance and economics. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Art and Sciences. Stone is married and the father of twins. He lives in Boston.