As we approach the end of an eventful year, we’re looking ahead with hope and ambition to 2021! One of the fortunate innovations of this year has been our new HBE ENGAGE virtual author programs that have enabled us to continue to provide stimulating content to your teams and organizations from wherever they are. See Authors We’re Working With Now or check our calendar for the most current author programs.
If you are considering alternatives to your traditional holiday gatherings, we have some very special authors to tempt your appetites! We’ve reduced our minimum book orders for these events to 75 AND we are donating a portion of proceeds to the Capital Area Food Bank. Check out our Holiday Book Event Ideas, below.
We are already curating a list of authors with new books coming out in early 2021! Take a look at a few of the books on our latest Know Ahead List.
Authors We’re Working With Now
Books selected by our clients for programs through the end of this year include themes of: overcoming obstacles, developing reflections and insights, promoting leadership and accountability, fostering inclusivity, and studying science and technology.
ENGAGE video calls for these books can be readily scheduled. Contact Perry for more information on bringing these authors to your organization today.
Authors For Your Organization’s Holiday Celebrations
Hooks Book Events would like to bring your organization some holiday cheer… and help our community!
We’ve found authors of new books to deliver the most delicious, interactive virtual programs to inspire your team with epicurean delights. These books make great gifts, will be signed by the author, and can be delivered individually to each member of your team.
To make these programs even more accessible, we’re producing them with a minimum order of 75 books. To make them even more impactful, a portion of our revenue from these programs will benefit the Capital Area Food Bank.
Contact Perry or Louise today to schedule an event for your organization!
With this stunning collection, pie maven Helen Nugent pulls back the curtain on creating professional, Instagram-worthy pies. Now you can make your very own delicious pie masterpiece in the comfort of your own home.
Sure-bet Turkey Meatball Soup, hearty Double-the-Vegetables Pot Roast, and a Summer Berry Crumble that’s at home on the brunch or dessert table are just a few of the delicious ways Sarah Copeland makes sitting down to a meal with the people you love simpler than ever.
Even growing up in a family that’s been in the wine business for five generations, Madelyne Meyer knows what it’s like to struggle to understand even the basics about wine. In Welcome to Wine, she pairs her hard-won expert knowledge with 200 witty, whimsical illustrations that make all the essentials crystal clear.
Start 2021 With Team Building
Our Know Ahead List features new books coming to market through early 2021 that can create conversations, build community, and inspire teams. Through HBE ENGAGE video calls with the authors, everyone in your organization can participate in the experience from wherever they may be working. What better way to start off the new year than with new ideas?
Below are just a few of the books on our most current Know Ahead List. Contact Louise to receive a copy, or to identify books on other topics for your organization.
In Inclusive Conversations: Fostering Equity, Empathy, and Belonging across Differences (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, July 28, 2020), Mary-Frances Winters outlines the need for bold, inclusive conversations and gives strategies and competencies to turn theory into practice.
In Shine: Ignite Your Inner Game to Lead Consciously at Work and in the World (Sounds True, Feb. 23, 2021), executive consultant, mindfulness teacher and Stanford and Berkley professor Carley Hauck offers guidance for developing “inner game” skills of mindful awareness, heart attunement, embodiment, and resilience in order to play your best “outer” game and lead within your company with courage and brilliance, even when things are toughest.
The Lonely Century: How to Restore Human Connection in a World That’s Pulling Apart (Currency, Feb. 2, 2021), by Noreena Hertz, an economist hailed as “one of the world’s most inspiring women” by Vogue, and “one of the most influential economists on the international stage” by Fast Company, explores the most urgent social issue of our time.
Immunity: The Science of Staying Well—The Definitive Guide to Caring for Your Immune System (The Experiment, Sept. 1, 2020), by immunologist Jenna Macciochi, teaches how to strengthen this first line of defense against all kinds of threats, from COVID-19 to cancer.
Women and Leadership: Real Lives, Real Lessons (The MIT Press, Feb. 2, 2021), features conversations with some of the world’s most powerful women—including Jacinda Ardern, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Christine Lagarde, and Theresa May. Julia Gillard is former Prime Minister of Australia and Ngozi Okonio Iweala is former Foreign Minister of Nigeria.
The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer (Harper Wave, Jan. 19, 2021/M), by bestselling author and peak performance expert Steven Kotler, decodes the secrets of those elite performers—athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more—who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we can stretch far beyond our perceived capabilities.
Innovation Starts with I (Jan. 25, 2021) redefines innovation, outlining new ways to make an impact on ourselves and the world around us. Saleema Vellani is an award-winning serial entrepreneur, international development economist, global keynote speaker, and teaches Design Thinking and Entrepreneurship at Johns Hopkins SAIS.
In Brave Green World: How Science Can Save Our Planet (The MIT Press, March 30, 2021), physicist Chris Forman and biologist Claire Asher offer a realistic and positive vision of a future in which we can combine biology and manufacturing to solve our central problems of waste and pollution.
Bulk Book Orders Help Local DC Students
Let Hooks Book Events fill all of your book ordering needs. Through our partners, we can drop ship non-returnable book orders anywhere in the world! Starting with minimum orders of 50 copies, we will prepare an estimate for your approval. Support independent books stores and students in DC city schools, with a portion of our book sales going toward purchasing books for local students.
Contact Denise for more information about bulk book orders.
The team at Hooks Book Events wishes you, your family, and colleagues continued health and well being!