The cherry blossoms are visible all over DC and so are we! From private events with our government and corporate clients to the salons and conferences we participated in, we have been busy — and we are looking forward to more fun throughout 2009.
Following are a few of the places where you might recently have seen Hooks Book Events:
In Washington, DC:
• Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Pension Real Estate Association conference
• US Chamber of Commerce: Executive Women in Government
• DC Convention Center, Women in Cable Telecommunications
• The Willard Hotel, Center for New American Security conference
• Georgetown, Salon Party for Richard Cytowic’s book, Wednesday in Indigo Blue
Maryland and Virginia:
• The National Harbor, Legal Marketing Association conference
• Northrop Grumman in McLean, VA, WIT Connect conference
In New York City:
• The Frick Museum, Fiduciary Trust International
From Maine to Florida, we’re happy to bring our authors to our office, conference, or home. Let us know who you’d like to book, and we’ll arrange the details: bookhooks@hooksbookevents.com.
Illustration by www.michaelgibbs.com.