After taking Alex Counts to the Main Treasury on September 17th for the Kickoff of the CFC Campaign, we were fortunate to escort him to HUD on the 25th. There were more than 75 in attendance in the beautful new Brooks-Mondale Auditorium to hear Alex Counts.
He was a big hit with these young legal fellows who asked interesting and provocative questions about the Grameen model (website: www.grameenfoundation.org) , and of its successes in the U.S. We were also graced with the presence of our good pal, Rob Couch, General Counsel of HUD, who stayed abreast of the $700 Billion bailout developments on the Hill via Blackberry! Compare and contrast to the average $70 loan to women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh! Because we believe so strongly in the Grameen model, as part of our “giveback”, we have waived the usual event fee for any organization that hosts Alex, and purchases copies of “Small Loans, Big Dreams” (Wiley 2008).